2022: The Year I Became a Quilter

2022: The Year I Became a Quilter

I have to chuckle at the title of this post because it’s true. 2022 was the hardest Test in my personal life so inevitably it affected my Sewing goals. I had a great start to 2022 in garment sewing, including creating a personal sloper- and then suddenly Sewing took a different direction.

Let’s quickly review my 2022 goals and if I made them-

  1. Sew Silk/Chiffon  Kinda? Does poly count?
  2. Work with harder to sew fabrics- I sewed brocade and organza, yes!
  3. Sew stash- Not quite, lol
  4. Work with trims: Tassel, Pearl trim, bejeweled buttons or snaps- I only did this once with the Kermes dress
  5. Self draft more clothes: Kermes dress, Pia’s beachball dress collar. This was a *HUGE* goal of 2022 that got derailed, haha
  6. Create Ballgown/evening wear – Nope
  7. Sew Chanel Jacket – No, another one that was a huge goal but didn’t happen
  8. Continue to skill build- Sew more patterns- This was specifically to patterns but I skill built in Quilting
  9. Sew more by Annie Patterns- Just 1. But 1 is more than 0, lol
  10. Weighted blanket- Never got to this but made a boatload of quilts!
  11. Learn free motion quilting- Did not do this either but realized this is no longer a goal of mine
  12. 3 yard quilt- Ended the year with 12 of these made!
  13. Tula Pink Suit Yourself Quilt- Didn’t make this and yes the fabric quilt kit still sits in my closet, LOL

So all in all I made about 6 out of 13 goals. That’s not bad.

Now y’all know I’m a big Excel nerd so here’s the breakdown of what I actually sewed-

26 Total Items Sewn.

And for the visual folks-

Pia took up a lot of my time.


2022 was definitely the YEAR OF THE QUILT. I ended up sewing 14! Wowza! Now 9 out of the 14 were Christmas gifts but goodness gracious I didn’t think I’d be so heavy in Quilting Mode. I also didn’t even think I would like Quilting as much as I did.

My Top 3 Favorite Quilts

Pinwheel Batiks
Traditional Country Quilt
The pieced backing really makes it for me!

Another surprise in 2022 was the addition of Pia. At my age I never thought I’d have so much fun sewing for a doll. But sewing for Pia has brought me so much JOY and AMUSEMENT!! The experience has certainly tapped into my imagination and creativity. I mean, a lot of time was spent sewing for someone(thing?) inanimate. She’s my little sewing buddy. ALWAYS watching. ALWAYS wanting. Lol.

Little Miss Particular ended up with 6 dresses for the year. Meanwhile I ended with a measly two for myself! Lol. That’s ok though, because my absolute favorite dress I’ve ever sewn was created this year. I’m still so very proud of my Kermes dress. 😉

I told Pia to choose her Top 3 but this gal couldn’t limit it. Are we surprised?! No. Here are her faves of 2022-

Pia’s Favorite Things

Snow White costume (not blogged)
Flounder Dress
Sleeping Bag (not blogged)
Showing off her cushy mattress and pillow
Palm Dress
Comfy PJs. Sitting on her original flat mattress until I she made me make a new one for her

Here is my Kermes Dress. My favorite garment ever sewn. Created in 2022!

Why is this my favorite? It was self-drafted, draped and has boning channels. I learned so much while creating this Beauty. I also just felt fabulous when I wore it. ❤️

I ended the year with a total of 26 pieces.

Also in 2022 (unplanned) I taught myself how to Crochet. That took some time away from the sewing machine. It was all for Pia, of course. What did I say? Always wanting.


*There are a few projects I will backlog about in upcoming posts because they are worth documenting.

Elvira Quilt
Tech Tote
Snow White Halloween costume
This sleeping bag rolls up! Oh and I crocheted the hat too.

So here I am wrapping up 2022 on the 6th day of January. I think I did pretty well considering the circumstances. I may have not sewn a lot of garments but I did explore other avenues of the Sewing World. Not to mention taking up a new crocheting hobby.

What’s next in 2023? I haven’t touched the sewing machine and am REALLY enjoying the break. Those quilts took it out of me, haha! Totally joking and being dramatic. For 2023 I may choose the “anything goes” method and not plan anything. We shall see!

Goodbye 2022

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