2022: The Year I Became a Quilter
I have to chuckle at the title of this post because it’s true. 2022 was the hardest Test in my personal life so inevitably it affected my Sewing goals. I had a great start to 2022 in garment sewing, including creating a personal sloper- and then suddenly Sewing took a different direction.
Let’s quickly review my 2022 goals and if I made them-
- Sew Silk/Chiffon Kinda? Does poly count?
- Work with harder to sew fabrics- I sewed brocade and organza, yes!
- Sew stash- Not quite, lol
- Work with trims: Tassel, Pearl trim, bejeweled buttons or snaps- I only did this once with the Kermes dress
- Self draft more clothes: Kermes dress, Pia’s beachball dress collar. This was a *HUGE* goal of 2022 that got derailed, haha
- Create Ballgown/evening wear – Nope
- Sew Chanel Jacket – No, another one that was a huge goal but didn’t happen
- Continue to skill build- Sew more patterns- This was specifically to patterns but I skill built in Quilting
- Sew more by Annie Patterns- Just 1. But 1 is more than 0, lol
- Weighted blanket- Never got to this but made a boatload of quilts!
- Learn free motion quilting- Did not do this either but realized this is no longer a goal of mine
- 3 yard quilt- Ended the year with 12 of these made!
- Tula Pink Suit Yourself Quilt- Didn’t make this and yes the fabric quilt kit still sits in my closet, LOL
So all in all I made about 6 out of 13 goals. That’s not bad.
Now y’all know I’m a big Excel nerd so here’s the breakdown of what I actually sewed-

And for the visual folks-

2022 was definitely the YEAR OF THE QUILT. I ended up sewing 14! Wowza! Now 9 out of the 14 were Christmas gifts but goodness gracious I didn’t think I’d be so heavy in Quilting Mode. I also didn’t even think I would like Quilting as much as I did.
My Top 3 Favorite Quilts

Another surprise in 2022 was the addition of Pia. At my age I never thought I’d have so much fun sewing for a doll. But sewing for Pia has brought me so much JOY and AMUSEMENT!! The experience has certainly tapped into my imagination and creativity. I mean, a lot of time was spent sewing for someone(thing?) inanimate. She’s my little sewing buddy. ALWAYS watching. ALWAYS wanting. Lol.
Little Miss Particular ended up with 6 dresses for the year. Meanwhile I ended with a measly two for myself! Lol. That’s ok though, because my absolute favorite dress I’ve ever sewn was created this year. I’m still so very proud of my Kermes dress. 😉
I told Pia to choose her Top 3 but this gal couldn’t limit it. Are we surprised?! No. Here are her faves of 2022-
Pia’s Favorite Things

Here is my Kermes Dress. My favorite garment ever sewn. Created in 2022!

Why is this my favorite? It was self-drafted, draped and has boning channels. I learned so much while creating this Beauty. I also just felt fabulous when I wore it. ❤️
I ended the year with a total of 26 pieces.
Also in 2022 (unplanned) I taught myself how to Crochet. That took some time away from the sewing machine. It was all for Pia, of course. What did I say? Always wanting.

*There are a few projects I will backlog about in upcoming posts because they are worth documenting.

So here I am wrapping up 2022 on the 6th day of January. I think I did pretty well considering the circumstances. I may have not sewn a lot of garments but I did explore other avenues of the Sewing World. Not to mention taking up a new crocheting hobby.
What’s next in 2023? I haven’t touched the sewing machine and am REALLY enjoying the break. Those quilts took it out of me, haha! Totally joking and being dramatic. For 2023 I may choose the “anything goes” method and not plan anything. We shall see!

Here’s to a new year🥂 I’m amazed at the speed in which you went from beginner to accomplished!!! I’ve enjoyed being witness to your adventures 😀😀😀. Very proud!
Thank you so much Fran <3 Happy new Year!