McCalls 7752 Mock-Up

McCalls 7752 Mock-Up

I really like white during the summertime. It’s so fresh looking! I am making my new corset top in white cotton because it reminds me of my old top, lol. I feel like I’m making new versions of old clothes- but hey, as they say Fashion repeats itself!😉 I chose an 100% cotton eyelet from Joanns. It had good reviews online so I felt ok choosing this for McCalls 7752.

Let the games begin!

Since fit is KEY to making this top so attractive I decided to make a muslin. I guess technically I could have used the lining as a muslin but I don’t mind the practice cutting and sewing. It’s actually nice to do a run through during muslin period because once you get to the real fabric it feels like second nature! So I’ll be making a muslin, lining and top…basically making the same thing 3 times. This top should be a no brainer at the end!

The first thing I noticed when I first read the instructions are that they are very clear. There are a lot of pieces but they all small and cut out very quickly. It’s actually pretty nice because you can batch pin then batch sew all the pieces in one swoop. To my surprise I was actually able to complete my muslin within a couple of hours.

I think the muslin looks really good! Ignore that little blip in the underbust- I did fix that later, lol. But upon trying it on I felt that the two tiers of peplum were a bit much. They are very full so I think they overpower my frame cuts me a bit. It also kinda looks like I need to be standing on top of a cake, lol, or a bit fairy-ish or like I’m wearing a dress that is too short. I don’t think it works for me. I am going to edit it and remove the upper peplum- it looks more streamlined.

L-R: Upper & lower peplum; Lower peplum only; Flounce

This pattern also includes a flounce so it had me wondering what the difference is between the flounce and the peplum. I cut it out and couldn’t tell the difference besides the length and the curve on the inside. Maybe the flounce is a bit fuller?? Trying them both on they really looked the same. I was scratching my head if I should switch it out to and sew the flounce instead of the peplum.

Then I had a “a-ha!” moment when I realized the flounce is included so you can make a true babydoll top. It all makes sense now!

This babydoll is cute!

I can already tell I will need to do some shortening in the midriff area. I will finish out my muslin with the invisible zipper too, not only for more practice but also so I can see how it’ll truly fit. I feel like it may need to be taken in some more either on the sides or back. I know I have to do this now in muslin state because the boning goes in at the side seams.

This top is challenging to fit since I don’t own a true sewing dress form (mine is for display) so it looks like I may need to invest in this soon. I still need to purchase lining and wash my fabric before I can start cutting into the real thing. The lining I’ve been looking at at won’t arrive until next week so I will likely purchase something quick and easy at Joanns tomorrow. (Bah! More pattern sales!) I’m usually very methodical about having everything ready to go but have really been enjoying the muslin process and taking my time. It’s a great feeling!

*Here’s the blog post about final product: McCalls 7752 Peplum Top Wrap Up/Review

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