Makerspace “Learn to Knit”: Complete! 

My first Knitting Lesson at the Library is complete and boy was it a success!!  Wow, what an AMAZING experience! It was a full house for all three sessions. Yes, all THREE.  The majority of the class were beginners, a few crocheters and a few refreshers. Almost everyone that attended the first session came back week after week, after week. […]

Intro to Knitting

Knitting. Where do I start?! Well besides the fact that it is a portable hobby (in comparison to sewing in which you have to lug your sewing machine), knitting looks more complicated than it actually is. There are only two stitches. Yes, TWO! Knit stitch and purl stitch. Of course, knitting can get REALLY complex if you do some crazy […]

Mini Sewing Retreat

Hi hello! I am back from a mini getaway/sewing weekend in Lexington, Virginia.  I had so much fun! So nice to get away since it seems like it’s been forever since we’ve been able to travel. Continuing on my quest to learn pattern drafting, I took a 3 day bodice block/sloper class at Make it Sew in historic Lexington, VA. […]


Over the summer I took a sashiko class. What is sashiko? It’s a Japanese sewing technique where you create designs in the fabric using little stitches. It was used as visible mending, but you can create designs into the fabric, similar to embroidery. The class was for a zipped lined pouch. We were given fabric options and used a glue […]

Wiksten Top

Since I had already traced out my pattern beforehand I was ready to go with the top once I got to class. There was only one other student there. She brought in a beautiful crepe de chine.  Compared to my navy woven, her top turned out so floaty and feminine. It’s pretty neat how different the same top could look […]

Wiksten Shift Dress

*This blog post is a long time coming- I apologize in the delay! For some reason I was unable to get any good pics of this Wiksten pattern over the last couple of weeks. After working on small projects it’s time to sew garments again!  I really like having a break where I don’t have to worry about fitting. Small […]

My First Garment Sewing Class: Adrienne Blouse

Last week I attended my first garment sewing class at a local shop. We made the Adrienne Blouse by Friday Pattern Company. The class happened to fall during Sewing Bee Round 2, so I was all out of sorts. There was only one other student. Boy was she a hoot! We had an entire 6 foot table to ourselves and she […]

My First Sewing Class: Quilting Basics

I attended a quilting class yesterday! My first real class on sewing. Kinda funny my first class on sewing is on quilting not garment sewing. The class was held at a quaint shop nearby. I had never been there before or knew it existed! I learned of this shop through a google search. It was like being in a candy […]