Spring Break or Bust 2024

Hello! I hope everyone had a wonderful and Happy Easter. 🙂  I just returned from Colonial Williamsburg, VA with my knitting friend for Spring Break. Four days filled with food, shopping, exploring, spa time, knitting and crocheting. Unfortunately it rained almost the entire trip but we still had a good time. It’s always nice to have a change of scenery. […]

Grainline Studio Field Bag

Why is it that whenever you start something new, it becomes a domino effect of stuff? Not only do you need the tools to do it,  but you also need the materials and a holding cell to wrangle it all. This could be anything- Camping…need the tent, sleeping bag, etc., Baking…need the pans, utensils, mixer,.even Makeup…need every shade of red […]

To Me From Me: Crochet Wrap

This past February I started crocheting a scarf.  I worked on it for 2 weeks and eventually it fell into UFO status. Once Springtime rolled around the motivation to make a scarf dwindled. Recently we took a trip to Lancaster, PA. Remembering how portable crochet projects are, I dug out the scarf to start crocheting again. Oh how easy it […]

Stand N’ Stow

With sewing there is always a new pattern to sew or a new technique to try. It’s never ending. I had this grand plan on starting a new quilt for myself, until somehow the Stand N’ Stow bag pattern by Atkinson Designs snuck into my queue. A friend has been raving about this bag.  She said it only took her […]

Santa’s Workshop 2021: By Annie Easy Does It Bag

Y’all. I’m so impressed with this bag. It stands up on its own, the raw edges are bound and the directions were easy to follow. This could be the be all end all for me as far as bag/pouches go! I’ve been intimidated by ByAnnie bags since the directions have a lot of steps and it can be overwhelming. But […]

2021 Santa’s Workshop: Simplicity 8035 Ornaments

Can’t believe December is already here. Santa’s Workshop is open! Time for holiday sewing!  Combing through my pattern hoard I came across Simplicity 8035:  various ornaments with options for stuffed animals- star, gingerbread man and yeti. They all look so smiley and cute; I couldn’t resist sewing them. They are made of felt, embroidery thread and stuffing. That’s it! Pretty […]

Open Sew Project: Kwik Sew 4147

Two weeks ago I attended an Open Sew session at a local shop. Open Sew is when you can go to their classroom, park it at a table and work on whatever you want for a few hours. Due to covid restrictions there is a limited number of people in the room so you have to pre-register. There were  2 […]

Kwik Sew 4288 Continued: Tote Bag

Continuing my Pattern Bingo on this Kwik Sew pattern! 2 out of the 5 views have been made, let’s go for 1 more with the tote bag! Making a bag has always on my list of “to make”. I had some leftover pre-quilted fabric so I decided to sew View A of Kwik Sew 4288. I found the instructions to […]

Kwik Sew 4288 Cosmetic Bags

After a contest I like to slow it down and work on smaller projects. It’s like running. You can’t run 10 miles everyday and not expect your body to feel worn out or burned out. You have to pull back and take a day off or just run or walk 2-3 miles instead just to keep the legs moving. I’m […]