Baptismal Garment

As soon as I learned of the Baptismal Ministry, I knew I wanted to volunteer. What better way to use my sewing skills for the good of others?! Besides, it’ll be for a baby so it wouldn’t be as daunting as sewing an entire dress with fittings, etc. etc. With a renewed spirit, I was anxious to roll up my […]


Hi, hello everyone! Please excuse my absence for the past few months. After being 100000% about sewing month after month I ran out of steam. I took a little step back and started taking more in person classes with the hope of reigniting that flame. I started to sew smaller projects (ones that didn’t require fitting) and started to really […]

Wiksten Top…Again?!

Can we be done with this thing yet? Lol, just kidding. I find it so amusing and ironic I’ve sewn this pattern so many times, especially since I rated it so low on PR and complained about it in my last couple of posts. But guess what, my MIL (Mother-in-Law) loved my blue top so much, she requested one for […]

Wiksten Top

Since I had already traced out my pattern beforehand I was ready to go with the top once I got to class. There was only one other student there. She brought in a beautiful crepe de chine.  Compared to my navy woven, her top turned out so floaty and feminine. It’s pretty neat how different the same top could look […]

Wiksten Shift Dress

*This blog post is a long time coming- I apologize in the delay! For some reason I was unable to get any good pics of this Wiksten pattern over the last couple of weeks. After working on small projects it’s time to sew garments again!  I really like having a break where I don’t have to worry about fitting. Small […]

A Change of Scenery

I’ve been taking classes at 2 different shops, dividing my time (and money! lol) between the two. Both owners are super nice and there really is a big difference between a mom and pop store vs. a big box store. Not only is the fabric quality superior  but also  you just get better customer service and advice from the employees […]

Open Sew Project: Kwik Sew 4147

Two weeks ago I attended an Open Sew session at a local shop. Open Sew is when you can go to their classroom, park it at a table and work on whatever you want for a few hours. Due to covid restrictions there is a limited number of people in the room so you have to pre-register. There were  2 […]

Kwik Sew 4288 Continued: Tote Bag

Continuing my Pattern Bingo on this Kwik Sew pattern! 2 out of the 5 views have been made, let’s go for 1 more with the tote bag! Making a bag has always on my list of “to make”. I had some leftover pre-quilted fabric so I decided to sew View A of Kwik Sew 4288. I found the instructions to […]

Kwik Sew 4288 Cosmetic Bags

After a contest I like to slow it down and work on smaller projects. It’s like running. You can’t run 10 miles everyday and not expect your body to feel worn out or burned out. You have to pull back and take a day off or just run or walk 2-3 miles instead just to keep the legs moving. I’m […]

My First Garment Sewing Class: Adrienne Blouse

Last week I attended my first garment sewing class at a local shop. We made the Adrienne Blouse by Friday Pattern Company. The class happened to fall during Sewing Bee Round 2, so I was all out of sorts. There was only one other student. Boy was she a hoot! We had an entire 6 foot table to ourselves and she […]