Simplicity 1873: Monet Dress

Well my January project is finally done….in February! Lol I put my holiday reading into practice on this dress, with lots of “firsts” in couture techniques. Committed to using stash fabric, I used stash brocade, which was a win…until it wasn’t. The dress is a “Monet.” Now this certainly isn’t a dig on Monet, just that the dress looks much different […]

Fun with Fitting

The title of this post is a bit tongue in cheek- does anyone really have FUN with FITTING?! Maybe those who fit the pattern right out of the envelope, or if your last name is Palmer or Pletsch.😉 For me fitting is the most time consuming part of garment sewing and I believe it’s the biggest hurdle for most. There’s an […]

Brain Dump

So what’s my first project of 2022?? We are going designer. Cynthia Rowley’s Simplicity 1873. I really like her designs and have been collecting quite a few. I am pairing this up with brocade from the fabric stash. I am excited to have a fancy new frock but am a little nervous to sew the brocade. I read that brocade […]

2022 Sewing Goals

Hi, hello and Happy New Year 2022!!! Here we are again, a new year and another fresh start. In 2021 mid-year when I lost my sewjo, I started to reevaluate the type of garments I sewed. It kinda bothered me I wasn’t wearing any of them. I convinced myself I was sewing for a “fantasy self” and that I should […]

Goodbye 2021!

And now….(drumroll please) time for the 2021 round up! I’m a big Excel nerd so here we go! For those who don’t like numbers feel free to just look at the pie chart, lol. 2021 Sewing by Category Quantity # of unfinished UFO Grand Total Accessory 45   45 Craft 22 22 Garment 12 2 14 Charity 4 4 Home […]

DIY Christmas Gifts 2021 Recap

Santa’s Workshop is officially CLOSED for the season! I tricked my family into thinking I purchased the Easy Does It Bags. My Uncle was shocked when he learned I sewed all his gifts. He loved his Naval Academy so much he tossed his current toiletry bag right into the trash and moved all his stuff in right away! I do […]

Merry Christmas 2021!

A very Merry Christmas to you! This will be a quick post since I’ve been battling a pretty bad cold the past week or so. Luckily the covid test was negative. I’ve been offline resting, reading and recovering. Finally feeling well enough to jump on here so the worst of it is over! (Thank goodness!) I’ll be back soon with […]

Santa’s Workshop 2021: By Annie Easy Does It Bag

Y’all. I’m so impressed with this bag. It stands up on its own, the raw edges are bound and the directions were easy to follow. This could be the be all end all for me as far as bag/pouches go! I’ve been intimidated by ByAnnie bags since the directions have a lot of steps and it can be overwhelming. But […]

2021 Santa’s Workshop: Simplicity 8035 Ornaments

Can’t believe December is already here. Santa’s Workshop is open! Time for holiday sewing!  Combing through my pattern hoard I came across Simplicity 8035:  various ornaments with options for stuffed animals- star, gingerbread man and yeti. They all look so smiley and cute; I couldn’t resist sewing them. They are made of felt, embroidery thread and stuffing. That’s it! Pretty […]