Sewing Bee Round 1: Uniquely You Pajama Recap

Alright! Well here we go- Simplicity 8803 PJs were the choice for the Sewing Bee Contest Round 1.  I love matching top and bottom pjs so I had picked up this pattern early on when I was learning how to make pj pants. I had intended to make a matching top but was putting off the button thing, mentally thinking […]

And..We’re Off!

Round 1 of the Sewing Bee Contest has begun! We have 7 days to create pajamas that are unique to us. A top and bottom set. 7 days to sew, review and photograph. I love pajamas so I’m happy to hear this as the first challenge. But not any kind of pjs will work here… we have to create something […]

The Sewing Bee Contest: Don’t Get Stung!

Last Fall when I was competing in the contests on PatternReview I heard about The Sewing Bee contest. I was encouraged by another member to look into it. This contest is one that is supposed to challenge you to the limits! It is an elimination contest like Project Runway. They give you theme- a technique, or idea and you’re supposed […]

Frankenpattern: Terno/Simplicity 1693

My plan for the terno top is to use Simplicity 1693. It is the perfect base and has side darts, giving it some shape. Obviously the Filipinana butterfly sleeves are not something you would find in the Big Four patterns. This top is unique in that I am basically taking ideas, patterns and inspiration from all over the internet. (Read […]

Terno Dress

When I was a kid my parents would take us to local Filipino cultural events. It usually started with a Church service then afterwards there would be a huge party complete with lots of food and a Tinikling folk dance performance. The dance is like double dutch jump rope, where the dancers are in the middle trying not to get […]


How much time do I spend sewing? The answer: A LOT.  It’s part of my daily routine. I’m a firm believer in practice makes perfect and if you dedicate a lot of time to something it’ll eventually become second nature. The more time you spend the better you’ll get! The thing with sewing though is that there’s always something to […]

McCalls Early Spring 2021 Pattern Release

We are experiencing a winter wonderland here in Virginia. It falls so slowly and gives me a peaceful feeling. Even though we are in the dead of winter- what some may call “Blanduary”, I am dreaming of warm weather and have already started sewing Spring/Summer clothing. The peeps over at McCalls must have heard our cry for something new and […]

McCalls 7752 Peplum Top Wrap Up/Review

Woo hoo! The peplum top is finally done!! This top took longer than most projects because of 1. Life and 2. it had more pieces. There are 8 pieces in the bra top alone! The entire ordeal took about 9 days, including creating the muslin. (See blog post: McCalls 7752 Mock-Up) It didn’t help that I couldn’t figure out the […]

My First Sewing Class: Quilting Basics

I attended a quilting class yesterday! My first real class on sewing. Kinda funny my first class on sewing is on quilting not garment sewing. The class was held at a quaint shop nearby. I had never been there before or knew it existed! I learned of this shop through a google search. It was like being in a candy […]

McCalls 7752 Mock-Up

I really like white during the summertime. It’s so fresh looking! I am making my new corset top in white cotton because it reminds me of my old top, lol. I feel like I’m making new versions of old clothes- but hey, as they say Fashion repeats itself!😉 I chose an 100% cotton eyelet from Joanns. It had good reviews […]