Becoming Certified: Instructor Programs 

After my experience last Fall teaching Knitting to my neighbors I decided to sign up to become a Certified Knitting Instructor with the Craft Yarn Council. I had no idea these programs even existed, but I read that this is the program that Michaels used to make mandatory for Instructors to work there, so I figured it must be pretty […]

Hello…Remember Me?!

Hi folks! I took a little break from blogging during the holidays. Christmas season has been tough for me lately, so I just wanted to sit in my little corner and craft. I’m sure y’all know how it goes. But I’m back now and want to share with you what I’ve been up to! (A lot!) Fair warning that this’ll […]

See You On the Runway!

Remember when I said I wanted to put myself out there more?? Well being in a Fashion Show is pretty much the pinnacle of putting yourself out there.  All these eyeballs looking at you on stage…looking at my sewing….yeah, that’s putting yourself out there alright! A few weeks ago the Original Sewing and Quilt show stopped in our area. My […]

You Can Find Me in Da Club…the Sewing Club

I’m pretty sure when Fifty Cent sang his famous song “In Da Club” he didn’t mean the Sewing Club. Well in this case you CAN find me in da club. American Sewing Guild, that is. One of my personal goals for my new birthday year is to put myself out there a little more. Sewing has been a solitary “sport” […]

Welcome to the Jungle

What jungle am I talking about? I’m talking about the Jungle of Looks Axl Rose from Guns n’ Roses has been wearing over the years. This man is the epitome of “I wear whatever I want”. During the height of Guns n’ Roses popularity in the 90’s, Axl frequently sported the plaid look. He either wore a plaid shirt or […]

Birthday Road Trip Fun

August is my birthday month and I decided to kick off my new year by doing things that make me happy. And that…my friend, is SEWING! I just returned from a fantastic trip in Lexington, VA for Jeans Sewing Camp with Make it Sew. I took a class here last year. But before I get into that, let’s talk about […]

We Meet Again

Ask anyone-male or female, young or old, everyone knows her. Chances are you owned one (or many), and if not you, your sister, your mom, your aunt..your classmates… maybe even all of the above. Who am I talking about? One name: Barbie. Hard to imagine a world without Barbie. No truer words have been spoken (written), at least for me. […]

Irish Adventure Recap

Hi folks! It’s been a long time. Long story short: We went on summer vacation to Ireland and caught COVID. Lesson Learned:  COVID doesn’t care where you are…it’ll find you. (We’re better now.) Bah! But we did have a fun couple of days before we realized something wasn’t right. Like seeing this Downpatrick Head. And climb the Croagh Patrick- Ireland’s […]

Summer is Here!

Since the weather has been so spectacular, I’ve been trying to take advantage and spend more time outdoors before it gets uncomfortably hot. It is no secret that I love fashion, clothing and antiques, so I am sharing some things I found inspirational over the past week. Over the weekend we spent the day in Washington, D.C. I feel very […]