Becoming Certified: Instructor Programs 

After my experience last Fall teaching Knitting to my neighbors I decided to sign up to become a Certified Knitting Instructor with the Craft Yarn Council. I had no idea these programs even existed, but I read that this is the program that Michaels used to make mandatory for Instructors to work there, so I figured it must be pretty […]

Hello…Remember Me?!

Hi folks! I took a little break from blogging during the holidays. Christmas season has been tough for me lately, so I just wanted to sit in my little corner and craft. I’m sure y’all know how it goes. But I’m back now and want to share with you what I’ve been up to! (A lot!) Fair warning that this’ll […]

You Can Find Me in Da Club…the Sewing Club

I’m pretty sure when Fifty Cent sang his famous song “In Da Club” he didn’t mean the Sewing Club. Well in this case you CAN find me in da club. American Sewing Guild, that is. One of my personal goals for my new birthday year is to put myself out there a little more. Sewing has been a solitary “sport” […]

Sewing Camp: Forever in Blue Jeans

Believe it or not, I have never been to camp. Lots of kids go to summer camp but I always stayed home (and played with the Barbies). Blame it on the shyness. Well, now that I’m a big girl I think I could handle myself with other people, LOL. Last week, Make it Sew hosted a 4 day Jeans Sewing […]

Let’s Get Physical: Sewing Activewear

Well, the day has come. It’s time to reenter the world of human clothing. *gasp* Sorry Pia, you have enough clothes! Now that I have a bit of serger knowledge, I’ve decided to explore the world of activewear.  YES, activewear! I once said I’d never sew workout clothes because I love shopping at Athleta. Their clothes are of good quality […]

Serger School

I’m starting to get really excited about sewing again. It’s almost the same feeling I had when I learning how to sew nearly three years ago. Lately sewing has been on the brain so much it’s been keeping me up at night. The itch to sew (human sized) garments is coming back. My Pinterest boards are exploding with ideas and […]

2022: The Year I Became a Quilter

I have to chuckle at the title of this post because it’s true. 2022 was the hardest Test in my personal life so inevitably it affected my Sewing goals. I had a great start to 2022 in garment sewing, including creating a personal sloper- and then suddenly Sewing took a different direction. Let’s quickly review my 2022 goals and if I made […]

A Little Less Conversation A Little More Action

August came and went, wowza. My lack of updates has been due to more unexpected circumstances which kept me away from writing. But I didn’t stop sewing! I have one quilt that I haven’t shared yet (needs pics) and one currently at the longarmer. So I am a little behind, please bear with me. I have, however, have gone into […]

Simplicity 1873: Monet Dress

Well my January project is finally done….in February! Lol I put my holiday reading into practice on this dress, with lots of “firsts” in couture techniques. Committed to using stash fabric, I used stash brocade, which was a win…until it wasn’t. The dress is a “Monet.” Now this certainly isn’t a dig on Monet, just that the dress looks much different […]

2022 Sewing Goals

Hi, hello and Happy New Year 2022!!! Here we are again, a new year and another fresh start. In 2021 mid-year when I lost my sewjo, I started to reevaluate the type of garments I sewed. It kinda bothered me I wasn’t wearing any of them. I convinced myself I was sewing for a “fantasy self” and that I should […]