Wardrobe Contest Plan

I was so excited about creating this wardrobe collection I couldn’t sleep. Seriously. I woke up early in the mornings thinking about it. “Could I really do this?!”, I asked The Viking. He said I could do it. (He’s always right.)  I find that when you’re scared of doing something, it sometimes means it’s good for you. You learn so […]

Wardrobe Contest 2020

Here we are getting into the truly exciting part of my sewing journey thus far! In early September I was perusing the sewing forums on PR and saw that they would host a Wardrobe Contest, running 2 months from Sept 15-Nov 15. The first place winner would receive $100 gift certificate from Fabric Mart. The 2nd place would receive a […]

Butterick 6677- My First Dress

*Since I am recapping the last 6 months I am giving highlights here and there about my patterns and will refer you to the reviews on PR for the time being. Once we get caught up to present day I will be able to give more thoughts in the moment on sewing that particular pattern.* In September I decided I […]

Noticeable Knits

When I was a little girl I used to cry if I had to wear pants. I just always wanted to wear a dress, preferably pink, and it BETTER have some kind of frilly lace or tutu, otherwise run the risk of a meltdown, lol. When I got older I still enjoyed wearing this style (sans meltdown) and loved Carrie […]

If At First You Don’t Succeed….

…..TRY, TRY AGAIN. I did. I sewed Simplicity 1563, a unisex pattern with lots of sleepwear options. I decided to go for  pajama pants again. I sewed a size XS and they fit way better. But I messed up on fabric, AGAIN. The fabric I chose was a lighterweight cotton from Joanns. I was happy with the end result but […]

Tilly and the Buttons Margot Pajamas

Upon receiving Tilly’s Dressmaking Love at First Stitch book I was completely engulfed with the idea of making clothing. Bored from the apron I decided to work on a new project: Pajama pants. (Sadly the apron still remains in my closet in muslin state.) Tilly’s book has the patterns printed on both sides so I got some practice tracing the […]

10 Reasons Why Being a Beginner is Fun

In September I felt the need to proclaim my newfound love for sewing so I posted this on a sewing forum. To my surprise someone asked if I was a professional writer, LOL. That gave me a good laugh but it did spin my gears into possibly starting a blog. Reasons Why I Think Being a Beginner is Fun: 1. […]

Mask Mania

My mother lives about 4 hours away so I sent her a pic of me wearing my new mask, not thinking anything of it. Well guess what, she put in an order for 5. FIVE?!!! I thought that was a lot but she justified it saying that QVC sells them in 5 packs, lol. Her birthday was in June so […]

New Beginnings

This past May The Viking and I sold our country home of 3 years and moved back into the city. I saw this as a new chapter in life and was pondering the idea of learning how to sew. I was reluctant to start as it seemed like an expensive hobby and the whole “what if” scenario of another thing […]

The Start of Something New

Hello! Welcome to my new blog Rosie Sews Too. Here I will discuss my new sewing hobby, share reviews and thoughts on fashion. I may go off topic a bit every now and then. Not really sure what direction this will lead but I am happy to share my sewing journey with you! Why Rosie Sews Too?! Well, funny story. […]