Mask Mania

Mask Mania

My mother lives about 4 hours away so I sent her a pic of me wearing my new mask, not thinking anything of it. Well guess what, she put in an order for 5. FIVE?!!! I thought that was a lot but she justified it saying that QVC sells them in 5 packs, lol. Her birthday was in June so I had about 3 weeks to get my act together and sew these masks. It took me about 2 hours to sew each one. I  am a beginner afterall! But having that deadline and someone depending on me really forced me to work on my sewing skills- mainly sewing straight lines, practice pressing and creating pleats.

I presented them to her at her birthday celebration and she was overjoyed! It made me so happy. My aunts saw them and they all put in orders too. “What have I gotten myself into?!” I thought. But seeing everyone “oohing and ahhing” over the colorful prints and trying them on, it was hard not to get excited too.

Masked out and maxed out!

Later that day my mom and I went to Joanns so I could purchase more mask fabric. I wandered off then found her sitting at the pattern catalog table. There was a lady there with an envelope with something scribbed on it. She was frantically paging through the catalogs and rummaging through a drawer cabinet. I really had no idea what was going on but this woman seemed majorly determined, lol. So I asked her! She told me that the McCalls and Butterick patterns were $1.99 and she was loading up. I had no idea what this meant but when she told me they are regularly $20-$30 it really put things into perspective, lol. That manic feeling set in that I needed to load up too! Afterall, I don’t know when this sale would happen again! (Joke’s on me- it happens like every other week, lol) I started doing the same. I knew that at some point I’d want to make clothes. I chose “Easy” level patterns knowing someday I would get to them. It was more of a goal setting thing really, I had not expected to sew clothes until AFTER I had made my placements, pillows, and aprons.

The first of MANY pattern hauls to come.

When I got home I continued to work on my mask orders but decided it was time for me to venture out on some of those nesting projects I had in mind. I was so afraid to mess up so I made a practice apron, using muslin fabric following Simplicity 8826 Sewing for Dummies. It used a D-ring and actually turned out ok! But I got bored of it and never actually ended up making a real apron using real fabric.

And the pillows? Napkins? Tablecloths? Nope. Never got to them.

Why not?!  Well Amazon told me I needed Tilly and the Buttons Dressmaking book so I purchased it.  I had my sights set on the projects in there! They were SO much more exciting. Pajama pants, dresses?! Heck yeah!

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