Makerspace “Learn to Knit”: Complete! 

Makerspace “Learn to Knit”: Complete! 

My first Knitting Lesson at the Library is complete and boy was it a success!! 

Wow, what an AMAZING experience! It was a full house for all three sessions. Yes, all THREE. 

The library supplied all this. So cool!

The majority of the class were beginners, a few crocheters and a few refreshers. Almost everyone that attended the first session came back week after week, after week. Oh how lovely it was to see their progress! We also picked up a few newcomers during the second and third week. 

I couldn’t be happier with the turnout. Patrons came in, excited but also a little nervous of what was to come. But really, it’s low risk- the Library provides the materials and all they have to do is show up with the desire to learn. 

Most people kept going, learned along the way and came out three weeks later with beautiful scarf…some even ventured out and knitted some more complex patterns! It made me so happy to see people wanting to explore other knit and purl combinations beside the usual garter and stockinette stitch. 

Some people did not return after their first session. I got GHOSTED! Lol, totally joking. I know Knitting isn’t for everyone, and I am by no means here to force anything on anybody. I am just glad they gave it a shot. Perhaps they have another creative outlet form, maybe it was just too cold that night and they wanted to stay home (can’t blame ’em- me and my blanket are BFFs too) or maybe they just wanted me to get them started and thought, “I can teach myself the rest”. Whatever the reason, I am still grateful they took the time to come to my class and support these library programs.❤️

One of the coolest things about the class is that I was able to switch “languages” and talk to the Crocheters. We talked about magic circle, amigurumi and compared crocheting to knitting. I also really enjoyed getting to know my students, the Makerspace team, and learned about other knit social groups in the area. These are all things I would not have been exposed to or known about if I had kept Learn to Knit “in house” with just my neighborhood “Crafters Corner” group. 

Because of the success of this first Library session, my Learn to Knit class was just picked up by another local library in the Fall. I have another session in another library in two weeks, so that makes three within the county. More new knitters on the horizon, woo hoo! Can’t wait.🙂

Ready to for the next session.

The Library also said to keep thinking of ideas for their patrons. CHECK! ::insert salute here:: If there’s anything I’m good at, it’s thinking of and collecting ideas. (I have over 10K pins on Pinterest hahah!) In fact, a lot of times I can’t sleep at night because I have a creative idea or project swirling around in my head. Whether or not it’s executed, that’s another story, lol! 

In all seriousness, I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to share my ideas and my skills with the Library Makerspace. I’ve been pitching other ideas and programs we could do in their Makerspace. Fingers crossed one of my ideas comes to fruition. I think we can do a lot of fun activities to get patrons excited about Creating. I mean, come on! Sewing machines, embroidery machines, serger, heat press, vinyl, sublimation printing, 3D printing….it’s truly a Creators Playground!

To this day, I am still in awe that all this fun equipment is there for patrons to use, free of charge. Even for me- I’d love to 3D print something. I know nothing about that machine but it looks REALLY cool. 

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