The Birth of Crafters Corner
Question to my neighbor: “What do you do for fun? When do you have time for yourself?”
After a long pause and a sigh she answers: “I don’t know. Never.”
This really struck a chord in me.
Because it is in my nature to be a helper, I thought- What can I do? What can I offer to my new neighbor friend to give her a chance to have some “me time?”
I know. Let’s create a neighborhood crafting group! I decided it would be called “Crafters Corner”. Catchy and easy to remember.
My idea was five fold:
- A way to get to build neighborhood community connections through crafting
- Teach people how to craft so I have more friends to craft with (ok you got me, this was a selfish reason haha)
- Give my neighbors a chance to step away from the responsibilities of being a wife and mother for a few hours
- Have them learn something new in the process
- Even if they don’t like the craft, at least they tried it. No obligations!
And because I’m a crafter and we all know crafters have an infinite amount of supply, otherwise known as S.A.B.L.E.= Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy (lol) I have lots of supplies and nobody has to purchase anything. Just show up at my house!
To my surprise, 30 people joined my Crafters Corner group by the end of the day. Hey…people like my idea! Since when am I a pioneer in anything?!
I asked them: “What do you want to learn? I sew, crochet and knit. I can teach you any of these things.”
They wanted Knitting.
Oh my! That’s the newest out of my crafts. Well even though I’m fairly new at knitting y’all know I’m all about self-teaching and learning. The last thing I want to do is teach the wrong thing, so it was actually a good thing that they chose knitting. Just like those sewing contests with deadlines, my knitting class will force myself to get on the fast track.
So, off I went to play “Teacher” and prepare my lesson plan for “Intro to Knitting”.