A Change of Scenery

I’ve been taking classes at 2 different shops, dividing my time (and money! lol) between the two. Both owners are super nice and there really is a big difference between a mom and pop store vs. a big box store. Not only is the fabric quality superior but also you just get better customer service and advice from the employees who actually sew. I really like being in that kind of environment. 🙂
The classes get me out of sewing Big 4 and trying out Indie sews (Independent pattern companies). Both the Wiksten (current project) and Friday Pattern Company Adrienne Blouse are both patterns I would not normally purchase or choose on my own. They are not really my style but I have been open minded to the trends and just enjoy taking the classes, as well as supporting indie patterns and local fabric stores.
It’s been a refreshing change of scenery other than my little sewing corner at home. Learning new things from other sewists is really beneficial since I am able to ask them questions in person. I really can’t wait for things to go back to normal so we can have open gatherings again. I’ve been interested in joining American Sewing Guild for awhile but all the chapters are doing zoom call meetings right now. Even though you see people’s faces it still feels impersonal to me. I am longing for sewing friends and other fashion-minded people. Sewing is fun but it can be lonely at times.

Health wise I’ve been feeling great so I’ve been enjoying the fresh Virginia Spring air and started running again after a year long hiatus. The Viking and I have resumed our nature explorations.

Even though I love sewing, I can’t always be tied to my sewing machine! Nothing like a big dose of sunny Vitamin D and oxygen to renew your spirit. ❤️