One Day at a Time
Yesterday I was all ready to reveal my next Wardrobe Collection and execution plans. I had the blog post draft and everything! I had planned this collection last November after the LBD contest. I was so hyped I created another Wardrobe Collection for fun. The puzzle of “will this go together” was something I very much enjoyed. But the timing was wrong- I got sick then did Christmas sewing and I put it off until the New Year.
Well here we are in the New Year and here I am putting it off again.
Why? A number of reasons. First and foremost yesterday I experienced a health scare. My autoimmune disorder makes me easily fatigued. I am still adjusting to this new health problem and know that health is more important than clothes. I have the tendency to go all out mad scientist style and I know this next collection would require a lot of energy. The last thing I want to do is expend all that creative energy and end up with an enlarged spleen again. That pain was just horrible.

Secondly, because of the colors and textures, the collection is a bit holiday-ish. This really should have been created last November when I originally planned it in order to get full use out of the outfits. I am afraid the weather will turn and I won’t be able to enjoy it. Timing is everything when it comes to retail. If something releases too late in the season you risk it being marked down right away. It’s not like my collection will be sold in stores but I would like to keep it as relevant to the season as I can.

Lastly, I can’t find the right fabric. One of the major pieces of the collection is a faux fur coat. I’ve been having some difficulty finding one that I like. I am looking for something that doesn’t look or feel too plasticky. I don’t want to look like I’m wearing gorilla suit, lol. If I’m going to sew a faux fur coat, I want it to be as luxe as possible.
Roberto Cavalli- Fall 2014 California Costumes
So I’m sorry to say I am going to table this one.
I feel kinda strange putting it to the side. But I know as much as I want to execute this it’ll still be there when the timing is right later in the year. I compare it to an songwriter. Songwriters come up with lyrics and hooks all the time and write it down. They may not necessarily use it in their next song. The music we hear is only a fraction of what they had created. The point is that it was documented to get it out of their head. I will revisit this idea come Fall.
What’s next then?
Well I am going to look ahead to Spring! And I am going to dial it back and not think so much of sewing Collections. I really like the idea of sewing entire wardrobes but there’s a lot of planning that goes into it. I feel like because I started that way I am supposed to do it that way from here on out. But I don’t have to! There are NO RULES- that’s what makes sewing so great! You sew whatever you can whenever you can.
Also, thanks to being a Featured Member on PR last week, they sent me a coupon to use for patterns! I am venturing out of Big 4 and ordered Victoria Jones, Jalie and Sew Chic. And then I still have my prize winnings of Itch to Stitch and Eva Dress to choose patterns too. I’m looking forward to trying something new. I would have never known about these pattern companies if it weren’t for PR. Knowing patterns are coming makes me excited to check the mailbox. Patterns make me so happy! It’s like Christmas everyday! This afternoon I will choose which pattern to make next and start looking for fabric. Ordering swatches is like watching a movie trailer. I get a glimpse of what’s to come and get excited to see it all unfold.

Maybe for 2021 I need to stop planning so much. For Spring sewing I will just focus on one pattern at a time, one fabric at a time. Whatever strikes my fancy. If for some reason in the end it all matches, yay! If not then it’s ok too. Sewing is supposed to be a fun hobby, not stressful. 🙂
2021 has already taught me a lesson: Take one day at a time, one thing at a time.