DIY Christmas Gifts 2020 Recap
Despite the fact that our big Christmas celebration with extended family was cancelled due to covid concerns, my DIY hotpads and handwarmers were a hit! I heard from everyone via text. They loved the larger sized hot pads and my little brother thought the handwarmers were really cool. He immediately recognized his upcycled pj pants, lol. I also faked out a few more family members with my homemade gift tag. So funny.
They all said the same thing- that the gift meant more because they knew it was sewn by me. I think that’s so nice. It just warms my heart! Definitely worth the time spent sewing small projects, even though I got a little cross-eyed after making my 8th one, lol. Next time I need to start earlier though. December 10 was cutting it close- need to give some leeway for last minute ideas (like the smaller potholder). It would have been nice to see everyone’s reaction opening their gift in person, but you can never be too cautious, especially since I have a lot of high risk people in my family. Next year will be better.
It was also the unveiling of this blog to more family members. They thought rosiesewstoo might have been some corporate site of the hotpad but visited here and discovered my little area of the web. It’s convenient cuz they can keep up with what I’m doing since I am not on social media. They can read at their leisure aka read at night to put them to sleep, lol. This is mainly a sewing blog and I realize it may not be the most interesting topic. It probably reads like stereo instructions for some! But sewing is pretty much my life now. It’s all I want to do and it’s all I think about. I don’t mind at all. I am happy I found something that brings me such joy and in turn brings joy to others.
Besides- the better I get with sewing, the better the Christmas gifts will get every year! Everyone wins! 😉