Little Basic Dress Contest 2020: First Place
WOW!!! My deep plum dress won first place in the PR Little Basic Dress contest!!! Gosh. I feel so honored that it got so many votes! I’m speechless.
The sheath dress silhouette had so much versatility and I really enjoyed putting all the looks together. It makes me smile to think that half of them I modeled using a RTW placeholder dress while Facetiming with my mom. She’s such a great sounding board and it’s been refreshing talking to her about lighthearted things during such a serious time with covid and all. I’m really glad I got that zipper technique in too. There are so many other patterns to sew and I was NOT going to let a zipper hold me back. Soon it’ll be a learning how to sew a button! I would like to get out of the beginner category but know that I need to “slow my roll” so that I don’t get sick again. I also know this is going to be a lifelong hobby so I don’t need to be in such a rush. The whole journey has been really fun so far.
I feel so happy. I told The Viking this achievement is as big as our wedding day. LOL! Ok, so maybe that’s an exaggeration but nonetheless I am so joyful and so grateful. If you happen to be reading this and are a member of PR, please know that I am so incredibly thankful for your vote, support and encouragement. Thank you!!
See the official announcement here: PatternReview.com Sewing Community Blog
The prize is a $100 gift certificate to EvaDress patterns. Everything I’ve sewn so far has been patterns I can easily pick up at my local stores (Big 4) so I am excited to discover a new pattern company. EvaDress specializes in vintage pattern reproductions dating all the way back into the 1800s! The most recent decade they have is the 1950s, one of my favorite fashion eras. I find it so amazing that once you learn the skills to sew you can pretty much sew anything. It blows my mind that you could sew anything worn from Lincoln times all the way to the Hollywood golden age.
1869 Costume 1950s Dress
I’m sure all of these have zippers, so when I say I didn’t want a zipper to hold me back I meant it! Look at all the possibilities!!
Placing in the past two contests only fuels the desire to learn more sewing techniques. I would really like to make all the beautiful garments that have been swirling around in my head. They keep me up at night. Sometimes my mind is so full of ideas I can’t sleep and I have to get up and brain dump them into a notebook. I actually already planned another wardrobe collection but since I’m still getting back into the swing of things from being sick I decided to table it for the rest of this year. I will start back up in Jan/Feb. I have already finalized the patterns and fabrics. Most are already here, just need to execute.
One thing is for certain: 2021 is going to be an awesome sewing year.
For the rest of December I am focusing on sewing Christmas gifts! True beginner projects that are quick and simple. They are mostly home and craft items. To me any time on the machine is good practice, it doesn’t have to be a clothes all the time. The Viking likes to call these projects “easy wins”. The best part is when you present your homemade gift to the recipient! The look of delight on their face gives me the warm and fuzzies, which is a present within itself. 🙂