Butterick 6677- My First Dress
*Since I am recapping the last 6 months I am giving highlights here and there about my patterns and will refer you to the reviews on PR for the time being. Once we get caught up to present day I will be able to give more thoughts in the moment on sewing that particular pattern.*
In September I decided I would make my first dress. Butterick Misses’ Dress and Sash 6677 pattern review by RosieSews2 Butterick 6677 was part of that very first pattern haul from Joanns. I was attracted to the beautiful ruffle on the front. First I spent about 4-5 days creating a muslin, a mock-up to practice the techniques in the instructions. I also used that time to work on the fitting. Once I was satisfied I chose a pretty blue rayon flowy material and went to work.
Tissue fitting & Mockup Muslin
The pattern said “Easy” vs. “Very Easy” as the sewing level but I went for it anyway. Easy should still be easy, right?! Well this thing had NINE pattern pieces to cut and sew! This particular rayon knit lived up to its reputation of being hard to sew. Despite all that I was ready for the challenge. I really just wanted to make a dress! I learned about narrow hems, gathering, using bias tape, putting elastic in a waist…all very good things! Admittedly I did some Macgver type stuff and used fabric glue to help me get those narrow hems. It was only after I completed the dress I learned of a narrow hem foot I could get for my machine to make life easier. Lesson learned.
It starts with an idea. Materials Round Ruffle! Sleeves looking good! Without the bottom ruffle this is View A. Looks nice already!
The entire ordeal took about 11 days total, so when I say it was a labor of love it truly was! I was really happy with the end result and enjoyed every moment of it. There’s so much to learn when you’re a beginner and it’s all so new and fresh and it’s just so satisfying to see what you’ve made in the end. Unfortunately I sewed this too late in the season and it started to get cold so I have yet to wear it out for any occasion. But when I open my closet for next Spring 2021, it’ll happily be waiting for me. And I can be reminded of my early sewing journey all over again.🙂